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Time Configurations

This part of the cookbook contains everything related to time configurations, including start and end times, a time throttled drop, and using it to create a recurring payment tool.

Getting Started

For the cookbook, you will need the following installed.

  1. Node JS
  2. Keypom JS SDK

These scripts will not run without the proper setup shown in the introduction page.


All time values are measured in Unix Time (non-leap-nanoseconds since January 1, 1970 0:00:00 UTC).

Drop with a Start and End Time

The drop below is only active for 1.5 minutes, starting 15 seconds after the drop is created. Any claims before or after that window will fail.

const ONE_SECOND_NS = 1e9;

// Creating timed drop with 1 double use keys
const {keys, dropId} = await createDrop({
account: fundingAccount,
numKeys: 1,
time: {
// Start time is 15 seconds from now
start: ( * 1000000) + ONE_SECOND_NS * 15,
// End time is 90 seconds from start time
end: ( * 1000000) + ONE_SECOND_NS * 105,
depositPerUseNEAR: "0.1",


Time Throttled Drop

A drop with a define time throttle will not allow consecutive claims on the same key within the indicated time. With the drop below, users can only claim their key every 15 seconds. If they try to claim twice in ten seconds, the second claim will fail as 15 seconds has not elapsed since the first claim.

const ONE_SECOND_NS = 1e9;

// Creating time throttled drop with a double use keys
const {keys} = await createDrop({
account: fundingAccount,
numKeys: 1,
usesPerKey: 2,
time: {
// Time between use is 15 seconds
throttle: ONE_SECOND_NS * 30,
depositPerUseNEAR: "0.1",


Creating Recurring Payments

Recurring payments are quite a common situation. Say you need to send a contractor 50 $NEAR every week for 4 weeks. With Web2, they would need to provide a payment method and trust the you with this sensitive information.

By leveraging a time configuration, you can eliminate this risk by sending them a key with limited funds attached. You could create a drop where there is one key with 4 uses, usable once a week.

First is the start and end time. These define a period time for which the drop is active and can be used by the contractor, in this case 30 days after the drop is created.

Next, the interval parameter is specified. This is set to 1 week, meaning each week after the start time, a new claim is made available for the contractor. This is different from the throttle parameter as that uses the previous claim as a reference.

This allows the contractor to claim multiple times if they miss one week rather than being forced to wait a week after each claim and potentially get pushed out of the drop's 30 day validity and lose out on funds they are entitled to.

const ONE_SECOND_NS = 1e9;

// Creating timed drop with 1 key with 4 uses
const {keys} = await createDrop({
account: fundingAccount,
numKeys: 1,
usesPerKey: 4,
time: {
// Start time is now + 5s
start: ( * 1000000) + ONE_SECOND_NS * 5,
// End time is 30 day after start time
end: ( * 1000000) + ONE_SECOND_NS * 2592000,
// Time after start for first use is 1 week
interval: ONE_SECOND_NS * 604800,
depositPerUseNEAR: "50",
